They say palm oil is now cheap because of poor environmental practices and labor abuses.
Local officials, when asked about labor abuses, typically offer a mixture of denial, apology and insistence that things have improved.
The pressure on the government to crack down on labor abuses has grown, as it seeks to enter free trade agreements with the United States and others.
She is also engaged in producing "Suffer the Children" which deals with human trafficking and labor abuse of children.
Officials rarely punish factory owners for labor abuses, and workers, restricted by laws against forming unions, rarely press for better conditions.
These workers have little recourse for labor abuses, but conditions have been improving.
We have an oversight system that works, and we do our best to insure that labor abuses do not occur.
Withholding trade benefits is an appropriate tool for punishing labor abuses.
The state department organized the region's migrant coffee workers into the Syndicate of Indigenous Workers, which ended labor abuses and raised wages.
In a concession by the government, the labor organization was allowed to open an office in Yangon two years ago to try to reduce forced labor abuses.