Antarctosauridae is a family of titanosaurian dinosaurs known from the late Cretaceous period.
The temple is known from the period of early Cholas, but there are no historical records.
More than 300 skalds are known from the period between AD 800 and 1200.
A Russian spokesman said it reflected "the politics of double standards, known from the period of the cold war."
Until the mid-1990s only two specimens good enough for analysis were known, both from the early Devonian period.
Measuring perhaps five or six feet in length, it is the largest terrestrial lizard known from the Mesozoic period.
Dated works are known from the short period 1642-1644.
It is the only marrellomorph known from the Silurian period.
They are the best known of specifically Icelandic literature from the early period.
Pounds are known to date from the medieval period.