She rose from the floor in one delicious movement, and stretched herself upon the sofa, arms above her head, one knee slightly raised.
The left hand rests on the left thigh, with the left knee slightly raised but feet together.
He steadied; his knee raised slightly to nudge the buzzer below the desk top.
Abruptly, she flung herself to the ground, sat against a tree with her knees raised to her chest.
Each is crouching with its right knee raised and its left tucked beneath the body.
In the first facet the left knee is bent and raised to the level of the hips, or if possible even higher.
The older man is sitting, his knees raised and his arms draped on them in a classic posture of pure fatigue.
"We can sit on the floor," she said; she threw herself down, bare knees raised, her back against the wall.
She was crouching, one knee raised and her hand disappearing between her legs.
With knees raised and ankles crossed, lift one elbow to touch the opposite knee.