Or perhaps it would be best if kids stuck knives in toasters because they don't know any better?
I can leave your wife and kids stuck on the other side.
But I think that this school is strong enough and that it's going to be 10 times as good if kids actually stick together.
Your kids should stick to the 9 to 10 hour range almost through high school.
How many kids have stuck their fingers in a light socket?
Refusing to blow the situation out of proportion, Amanda does nothing and is soon suspended when the kids stick to their stories.
The kid stuck his head farther round the door, so they could see him, and grinned at them, pleased with himself.
The kids all stuck by their daddy, as they'd been taught.
Yep, our kid stuck rocks up his nose too!
It's a constant headache with the kids stuck inside and the soldiers right outside.