No single strategy can justly claim credit for recent reductions in use of most drugs by most Americans.
Our King refused, justly claiming he held his throne direct of God.
The Québécois can justly claim to be cofounders of the Canadian nation.
Hull justly claims to be the birthplace of the Civil War.
Extensively known, eulogy would add nothing to the right which the virtuous actions of a good man justly claim for the deceased.
Late last year, the company celebrated its 25th birthday and can justly claim to be one of the world's leading exponents of contemporary circus.
He was an ex-barrister, a very live wire, who could justly claim to be the founder of the present vastly expanded business.
The makers would in the future justly claim that it could withstand direct impact with a monster from Hell.
Thus it justly claims to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
Thy mother all the dues shall justly claim, Creusa had, and only want the name.