She would later claim to have been the first white child brought into California.
He later claimed to have made £500 on the deal.
She later claimed to have seen her brother about once a year during the 1930s and early 1940s.
People will later claim that he has not been "right in the head" since his son's death.
The government claimed later to have taken the village, along with several others.
He later claimed to have designed a public school on 44th Street in this period.
Green later claimed he was paid to lose the fight.
The group later claimed that they had released the two men.
"I didn't even know there was such a thing" she claimed years later.
He later claimed to have a back injury that year.
He did not fight for the Nationalists during the Spanish conflict, despite later claims.
That later claim would be senior despite its temporal disconnect.
It wasn't entirely a matter of conscience, though, despite Blunt's later claim that it had been.
This led to many later claims that he was a police spy.
Hitler's later claim that he was party member number 7, which would make him one of the founding members, is refuted.
His book completely contradicts his later claims to have been in the military.
Initial measurements placed its distance from Earth at 200 to 1,000 light years away, with later claims at about 450 light-years.
This alone casts doubt upon the later claim of a Derbyshire origin.
A later claim suggested that Bubbles had died.
Some later claim this was the official end of the Cold War.