In this case the final jet velocity must be zero.
A low hot jet velocity was another major design feature.
Considerable attention is currently being given to the production of H-H objects by jets that precess or in which the jet velocity varies.
Unfortunately, this implies a high jet velocity not only at supersonic cruise, but at take-off, which makes the aircraft noisy.
This variation in jet velocity stretches it and eventually leads to its break-up into particles.
The maximum achievable jet velocity is roughly 2.34 times the sound velocity in the material.
After this limit further increase in the jet velocity of the fuel adds to instability of turbulent flame.
Increase in jet velocity after critical limit results in decrease of the whole flame height.
A low-specific-thrust engine has a low jet velocity by definition, as the following approximate equation for net thrust implies:
So for zero flight velocity, specific thrust is directly proportional to jet velocity.