The further from the earth's center the lower the escape velocity.
The potential is half the square of the escape velocity.
In a few seconds, they'd be ready for escape velocity.
But the escape velocity from a black hole is greater than the speed of light.
But the escape velocity was quite a bit higher than her legs could deliver.
The escape velocity required to get out of it is 11.2 kilometers/second.
The minimum speed at which this could happen is called the escape velocity.
Isn't the escape velocity less the further you are from the centre of mass?
The size of a black hole is determined by its escape velocity.
I don't know of any ship that could achieve escape velocity with a significant amount on board.
The use of a subterranean shaft and nuclear device to propel an object to escape velocity has since been termed a "thunder well".
The requirements called for a vehicle capable of putting 9,000 to 18,000 kilograms into orbit, or accelerating 2,700 to 5,400 kg to escape velocity.
The doomed star's momentum was transferred to the stellar twosome, boosting the duo to escape velocity from the galaxy.
He was just building up to escape velocity before he could slingshot out of the circuit.
Eventually the ship, tested and ready, is boarded by its international crew, and boosted to escape velocity.
And when you're up to escape velocity.
"Sir, how close are you to escape velocity?"
And when you're up to escape velocity..." He let go, and she stumbled back. "
You'd have to unleash enough energy to place most of the Earth's mass into orbit about itself, so to speak, or to give it escape velocity.
Then a surge in the fields accelerates them to escape velocity, or nearly.