The issues has pitted the new against the old Galveston.
The issue has pitted neighbor against neighbor and divided towns.
The issue pitted the municipality of Halifax against smaller towns and rural municipalities where many older residents favoured the ban.
And, as in similar gun control battles in the United States, the issue has pitted rural lawmakers against urban representatives.
At the end of the debate, several councilors lamented that this issue has pitted one minority group against others.
This issue does not pit city vs. country, but rather hunter vs. anti-cruelty pacifist.
The issue pitted powerful interests against each other and produced a flood of television commercials and advertisements from both sides.
The issue has pitted lobbies of real political power and deep cultural resonance against each other.
The issue has often pitted the rights of mothers against those of newborns.
The issue has pitted important special-interest groups against each other.