For many years it was an event for amateur groups of reenactors, but more recently has involved scenes by professional actors.
Since the role involved several driving scenes he had to get a driving licence before filming could begin.
It involves scenes of Colbie singing while painting, couples breaking apart but eventually were brought back again including herself and her love interest.
New elemental weapons are developed over the course of these struggles, which involve scenes of violence and torture.
Set in the booming international art market from 1990, which was fuelled by the dot com boom, it involves scenes of an alternate sexual nature.
(Only three of the nude sketches involve scenes of bondage.)
He has also added questions involving scenes he acts out with Mr. Carey.
The 2nd version, involves scenes of abstract imagery (most in black and white).
This segment involves scenes of exaggerated tension between the doctors, heightened by dramatic background music.
Some films in the 1990s involved nude scenes of children.