In 1994, the year of deregulation, investments soared to $23.7 billion.
In addition, American private investment soared to more that $200 million by 1943.
Such investment soared last year to $27 billion, up from slightly more than $4.2 billion in 1991.
His initial investment in the hotel immediately soared to $12 million from $3.5 million, and many wondered if someone had been paid off.
As the market for irrigation developed, community effort and private investment soared.
Community effort and private investment soared as market for irrigation developed.
Foreign direct investment in plants and equipment soared to $4 billion last year from $1 billion in 1983.
Direct investment soared to more than $50 billion last year, from about $20 billion in 1987.
He became wealthy overnight when his investments soared in value.
Previously, foreign investment in Brazil's stock markets had soared.