After the introductory period, the rooms will range in price from $239 to $315 a night.
Such mortgages are usually 30-year loans with interest rates that can increase after an introductory period of one to 10 years.
When the introductory period is over, students have the option to continue their studies or drop out without having to pay for classes.
After the introductory period, your rate will be $6.25 per week, billed every four weeks.
After a 60-day free introductory period, the program will cost $49.95 a year.
This loan allows you to pay only on the interest during the two year introductory period at a lower set rate.
As you can see, it's likely when the introductory period runs out that you'll be in store for a much higher monthly payment.
After the introductory period, the rates rise to the 8 or 9 percent range, and higher still in later years.
Billings are estimated at $100 million for an 18-month introductory period.
These two levels are preceded by an introductory period for the physical and psychological preparation of the students.