The series has an interesting gimmick: each new case is introduced by a brief, grainy flashback that shows, in a quick montage of images, what led to the emergency call.
Some analysts described the move as interesting but probably more a gimmick than a true breakthrough.
Products often get made because they're cheaper, or have some interesting gimmick, or can be targeted at a particular niche.
Dance Factory would be an interesting gimmick if it was attached to an otherwise good DDR clone.
Nonetheless, they might be interesting gimmicks to teach students of any age the craft of storytelling.
I had Harry Madün to repair my desketary this morning, and he's fixed it up with some interesting new gimmicks.
I'd made a mental note to rummage up some of my more interesting gimmicks and armaments.
A quick look at Amazon (Purple Cow, for example) shows an interesting gimmick.
"It's an interesting gimmick."
Most were hot swing tunes that used a very interesting gimmick; they faded up and faded out with a piano solo.