Mr. Giuliani could still scuttle the deal, which some described as a face-saver for the Mayor, who faced potentially insurmountable political opposition to the voucher plan he had pushed for months.
The Administration has delayed at least until January its proposal to provide $270 million in new aid in the face of seemingly insurmountable opposition.
But officials relented in the face of insurmountable opposition among members of Congress who said any request for military aid should be postponed to give a Central American peace plan a chance to succeed.
Faced with apparently insurmountable opposition to the completion of the highway, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation backed down and made hundreds of compromises, costing about $75 million, in the road's design.
The proposal appeared to have encountered insurmountable opposition in the Republican-controlled Senate, where aides called its chances bleak.
The insurmountable opposition in the Senate during past campaign finance battles made it easier for House members to vote for the legislation, because it had little chance of becoming law.
Norman Grant (James Garner), a former war hero turned senator who tirelessly promotes the American space program despite almost insurmountable opposition.
Because of almost insurmountable opposition from possible lenders to a hostile deal, Mr. Icahn, the oil company's largest shareholder, has regarded his takeover talk so far as friendly.
In the face of insurmountable opposition in Congress, the White House last week delayed plans to seek $270 million in aid that could be used for military purposes.