With silhouette or duotone still images, instantaneous transmission was possible by 1909.
Our Talents are finite, definite, and nowhere near such a fantasy application as instantaneous transmissions.
Some method of instantaneous transmission of matter seemed the only answer to that riddle.
With instantaneous transmission and reception, there wouldn't be any lag time.
The scientific age saw the new phenomenon of the instantaneous transmission of thought across vast distances.
The video monitoring system employs more than 130 cameras deployed around the country to provide instantaneous transmission and taped records.
Its effect can be stated simply: the instantaneous transmission of a message over any distance.
For much the same reason you could not develop instantaneous transmission of matter.
Instead there was an instantaneous cerebral transmission against which the speed of light was a veritable crawl.
We still get a lot of mileage out of that even without instantaneous transmission.