What puts the folded flag inside his mother's hand?
Also I am a lucky man, as can be read inside my hand.
Finally Raspe was still holding the gun inside his hand when he was found, something considered at least unusual.
The phone was still cradled inside the man's hand, but it could have been a knife that he was about to throw.
And within the many images is an extraordinary image of a child's hand inside an adult's hand, perhaps their father or mother.
But hidden inside the magician's hand is a carrot.
If that happens, you've probably rearranged some things inside your hand and you'll want to go to the hospital.
As if to second that opinion, the thing inside his hand exploded into life, eeling and frisking about.
A square area lit up inside her shielding hand, giving off a dim, red light.
I reached out and clasped her arm, closing the wrist bones inside my hand.