Even inside Parliament, there were signs of defiance.
Much of the haggling was over how Albanian would be spoken inside Parliament and in local governmental agencies.
There is little chance that the winner will command the authority inside Parliament to reverse the decline, for a simple reason: the Constitution.
There was much opposition inside and outside Parliament in 1984 when the law was changed allowing divorce petitions after just one year.
Duckworth carried on his alliance with the Tories inside Parliament.
This made it vulnerable to criticism from those inside Parliament.
It is not only their own party supporters, inside and outside Parliament, that Ministers watch with care.
However dominant, he must keep the support of his party both inside and outside Parliament.
I simply cannot accept that the existence of seven groups inside Parliament creates a particular problem of efficiency.
Inside Parliament and assorted gentlemen's clubs, we get to see how the young politicians must carefully pick and choose the leaders they will support.