He was killed by injuries relating to a fall from a pick-up truck a month later.
The car maker said that although it knew of minor injuries relating to the problem, it was unaware of any death.
Election day itself saw one death and 4 injuries relating to the election, but the 1980 election had seen over 800 deaths.
His medical treatise consists of 184 chapters, 1,120 conditions are listed, including injuries and illnesses relating to ageing and mental illness.
In 2008, records of 27,000 woman and children were reported as seeking medical treatment from injuries relating to sexual abuse.
Eight passengers reported minor injuries relating to high G forces.
He was injured in a fall from a window on Simchat Torah, and died almost a year later on Tisha B'av from injuries relating to this fall.
Under the Act, certain diseases were classified as accidents (such as mercury poisoning, lead poisoning, and anthrax), and thus injury relating to a person's line of work "became recognised as a proper charge on industry".
Bob Bryar suffered injuries relating to his wrists during the tour which led to the cancellation of the show at the University of Maine on October 27, 2007.
Most injuries relating to these devices involve bruised hands, blinding and other eye injuries - generally to the bomb makers themselves.