The fact that these inherently weak structures are still standing today is attributed to their light loading.
An economy based principally on the service sector would be inherently weak.
Because of the way ice dunes form, they are inherently weak and filled with cracks and air pockets.
The accepted thinking of the time was that a mixed society was inherently weak.
They were an inherently weak species, and posing as one could make Seven doubt herself.
"We have an inherently weak institution in the Presidency," he says.
The attack exploits the fact that a double cylinder lock is inherently weak in the centre.
'It is of note that the judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent,' said the statement.
The inherently weak connections were prone to failure, resulting in collapse with injuries and occasional death.
Traditional explanations for the high mortality suffered by the American populations argued that the natives were inherently weak.