Maybe you don't think that the primary duty of a second-in-command is to give his superior informed advice when asked.
However, it has established a reputation for giving informed advice in an expert area of regulatory activity.
"Just because it ranks high in the search engine, for example, does not mean that it will provide informed advice."
But it's arguable whether athletes, with so few years to achieve their goals, will take the more recent, more informed advice.
This will make it possible for more informed advice to be given to parents of mentally handicapped children about how they can best assist their children's language development.
The envoys would like to offer informed advice, if only they could find informed advice to give.
It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.
It has never before been more important to incorporate informed legal advice into corporate decision making.
Technology can provide vital assistance in the provision of informed legal advice.
It is not a substitute for informed medical advice or training.