While these breakthroughs are major, much more work is needed before we start to see custom-made, individually constructed cures for diseases.
No two mounds were exactly the same; each was individually constructed to suit the requirements and advantages of a particular site.
Guitars were not constructed individually, as in traditional luthiery.
Day care in this country is an individually constructed set of services, cobbled together to meet the needs of each working parent.
But stock (or semi-custom) face-frame cabinets are constructed individually and joined during installation.
They were small, many made of brick and concrete, all constructed individually by their owners.
Several large villas were individually constructed on Bonaly Road in the 1920s and 1930s.
They may be individually constructed features which are inserted singularly or multiply.
Many modern essentialists claim that right and wrong are moral boundaries which are individually constructed.
A lot of the motion you see on computer graphics is started that way: a series of individually constructed cells.