The rest of you will be answered individually, possibly even before the year is out.
Questions not published cannot be answered individually.
This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually.
Questions of general interest will be answered in this column, but unpublished letters cannot be answered individually.
Those of widest interest will be selected, but unpublished questions cannot be answered individually.
As with the British show, "starter" questions were answered individually "on the buzzer", and are worth 10 points.
"Starter" questions are answered individually "on the buzzer" without conferring and are worth 10 points.
"This question could be answered only by each of us individually," he said, smiling expansively.
It's an open-ended question, the curators said, that can only be answered individually, by each artist in "Strangers."
BfN also receives numerous telephone and written enquiries every day, all of which are answered individually.