Notwithstanding this, the Stylistics began to struggle with what many saw as increasingly weak material after 1976 .
Foreign relief workers report that many of them, especially the elderly and the young, are growing increasingly weak and suffering from disease.
Gottfried was making protests, but increasingly weak ones.
While staying in Vic's house Bianca becomes increasingly weak and ill.
His mother, becoming more self-absorbed started to lose interest in worldly affairs and became increasingly weak - ignoring food and medical treatment.
By contrast, public universities have become increasingly weak and today are barely able to finance their most basic operations.
But by early January, with tourists gone and local theatergoers staying inside during a brutal stretch of weather, the production's sales grew increasingly weak.
Instead of a steady progression of intense contractions, I felt increasingly weak.
Over time Norway's position in the unions would be increasingly weak.
This was reprinted throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, in increasingly weak impressions.