The tax cannot increase faster than 2 percent a year, under the proposition.
Still, state spending did increase faster than consumer prices last year, right?
Moreover, Medicare costs are expected to increase faster than the rest of the economy.
Indeed, in some years, prices increased faster than earnings and people's standard of living fell.
This is also problematic because health care costs increase faster than those for other goods and services.
The inflation rate increased faster, and soon real wages fell.
The magic of numbers somehow made the necessary glances increase faster than the people did.
At this stage of business expansion, real state gross product is not going to increase faster than job growth.
If there are explosion combinations, the Bar will increase faster.
It will only ease when wages increase faster than inflation.
What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.
Production at Cymric has been increasing faster than at any other California oil field.
The amount of energy a surface radiates always increases faster than its temperature rises.
Positive allometry may benefit thermoregulation because it means that, as individuals get larger, surface area increases faster than mass.
But the report shows there is enough for 1,494,070 new homes and that it has long been increasing faster than it has been used.
They also say greenhouse gases are increasing faster than at any other time in Earth history, making the past immaterial.
This means the rate of increase will rise with the population, so N increases faster than an exponential.
Budget trend suggests that meal production costs over the last five years have been increasing faster than revenues are coming in.
And then we were traveling at thirteen knots - noise increases faster than speed.
Whenever the operating ratio increases faster than the tariff, efficiency gains are taking place.