Their incomes soared by about a fifth in one year, largely because of the rising stock market and increased business profits.
Its reported income soared to $5.1 billion from $1.2 billion.
Per capita domestic income has soared tenfold, to more than $9,000 a year.
Once governments got serious about making people pay for pollution and congestion, income from environmental licenses soared.
His promotional materials say students have seen annual incomes soar by an average of 80 percent during the program's two years.
By 1972, his income had soared to more than a million dollars a year.
But when options gave them the right to buy shares in the future at a given price, executive income soared.
In neighborhoods where disposable income has soared, cars have become like telephone lines and computers - everyone needs one or two.
Inland Steel's net income soared to a record $79 million, up from $17 million.
Global mean annual income soared and universal health care became a reality.