Periodically ground layer plants including weeds may be cut and left on the surface, returning their nutrients to the soil, while suppressing weed growth.
Aster yellows affects a long list of plant species including native plants, ornamentals, weeds, and vegetables crops.
This includes weed biology, encompassing research areas from genetics to ecology, including parasitic, poisonous, allergenic and aquatic weeds.
Blennies in this species feed primarily off of plants, including benthic algae and weeds.
It is constructed of a variety of materials including weeds, grass, strips of bark, spider webs and plant fibers.
The land, they say, has been allowed to become overgrown by "invasive species," including weeds.
Husbandry of the rabbits, including collecting weeds and grasses for fodder, typically fell to the children of the household or farmstead.
The children in the treated group received injections of up to seven substances they were allergic to, including dust mites, molds, weeds and grasses.
Invasive species of plants and pathogens also were introduced by chance, including such weeds as tumbleweeds (Salsola spp.)
This species feeds primarily off of plants, including benthic algae and weeds.