The album was followed by another tour including dates opening for The Stranglers.
A non-exhaustive list is set out below, including dates when a festival is usually held (where available).
Keep a full record, including dates, of all adversary assignments given the agent.
Then keep track of all the groom's ordering information, including dates for the fittings.
The other is a Jamaican mixture including dates, citron and orange juice.
But they offered specific details about actions taken against them, including dates and the names and ranks of the security officials said to be involved.
A summary of the business objectives, including targets and dates.
Your work history for the last 18 months, including dates of employment, your employers' business names, addresses and phone numbers.
The band continued to perform without Moore throughout 2009, including dates in Canada.
During the investigation it was discovered that she had kept a detailed journal of her many clients, including dates, times and fees.