DJ Equipment-Lighting and other equipment suitable for disc jockeys is also available, including mixers, turntables, controllers, and headphones.
The Razer Edge has several docks that are attachable to the device, including a keyboard or handlebar controllers.
Physical environments that may be embedded with a variety of smart devices of different types including tags, sensors and controllers.
At least half of the 18 witnesses expected to testify, including several controllers and their supervisors, will be asked to address the adequacy of communications on the night of the accident.
John has many other projects including controllers for train models and mobile application design.
Complete systems including decoders and controllers can range from $150 to $1,000.
The appeal will be Sony's last chance to prove that Immersion's patents are inapplicable, or else be enjoined from selling a host of products, including games and controllers.
Each of the grades of staff included in the session took turns to provide estimates of the error probabilities, including ground staff, pilots and controllers.
The AVS used a wireless infrared interface for all its components, including keyboard, data recorder, and controllers.
A notable exception is the Japanese manufacturer Roland, who have never included Pitch and Modulation wheels on any synthesizer, instead including alternative controllers of their own design.