But one concern is clear: an effective bactericide is being inadvertently spread on fields, with who-knows-what impact.
He inadvertently spread the illness to many health care workers.
International health officials have long worried that lab accidents could inadvertently spread the disease, as happened in Taiwan and Singapore.
They help towns and settlements to communicate and inadvertently spread the fictional tales of a restored government.
This inadvertently spread the Pure Land doctrine to a wider audience.
This information is helpful in the disinfection of fishing gear and research equipment, which otherwise may inadvertently spread the snails to uninfested waters.
They usually are of more nutritional value to insects, which may use them for food and inadvertently spread them to other flowers.
Human commerce has inadvertently spread some species to all continents but Antarctica.
International AIDS experts agree that the infections were probably spread inadvertently because of the hospital's poor sanitation and hygiene.
"If you bring too many of your warriors, you will inadvertently spread the news of the slaughter," Donnia reasoned.