At the 9th offence, both sexes get one week of in-school suspension, and the pupil must sign a behaviour contract.
There is no choice; refusal by a parent or student draws the same punishment as failure to pass the test, an in-school suspension for first offenders.
The in-school suspensions given to first-time offenders last three days and require students to complete their class work in a separate room.
Students would then face in-school suspension for the third (and later) violations.
It stemmed from an incident in which Phillips gave an in-school suspension to three boys for fighting.
A variety of other approaches exists, including in-school suspension, assertive discipline, behavior management, "time out" and many others.
It was initially reported that the punishment was reduced to three days of in-school suspension.
The Planning Room is also used to hold kids who have an in-school suspension.
The following day, they would serve in-school suspension together and would not be allowed to talk to anyone other than each other the entire day.
By these standards, a one-day, in-school suspension hardly qualifies as tyrannical.