The measure would impose quotas on all exports beyond Russian borders.
In each category, the agreement gives the commissioner the right to impose more severe discipline for subsequent offenses beyond those listed.
Therefore, the assumption of normality imposes the minimal prior structural constraint beyond these moments.
It was originally introduced to impose additional restriction to quantum theory beyond those of selection rules.
It was noted that the view "of Hermon from this point is imposing beyond the power of language to express".
A person briefed on the agreement said it would impose deductibles and co-payments beyond those for prescription drugs.
Manufacturers are required to disclose how much they pollute, imposing little burden beyond the paperwork.
Neither Congress nor the states may impose qualifications for Congressional service beyond those specified in the Constitution, the courts said.
From recent data, it became clear that these limits would impose requirements beyond the scope of what is reasonably achievable, without benefit to public health.
We do not impose advice beyond the Querent's desire.