Floods can also occur if water falls on an impermeable surface, such as concrete, paving or frozen ground, and cannot rapidly dissipate into the ground.
The load-carrying area should have solid, impermeable surfaces free from pockets or seams.
Store wastes on impermeable surfaces within a secondary containment system.
For example, roads which increase impermeable surfaces lead to streaming and ground loss.
"What I saw was state-of-the-art hydroponics in which a thin nutrient film flowed over an impermeable surface," he recalled.
Your delivery area should have an impermeable surface.
When a high tide coincides with winter storm runoff (greatly increased by the city's impermeable surfaces), the former marsh area can flood.
"When you build that much impermeable surface, the water has to go somewhere."
Roads are a major factor in limiting absorption by the sheer amount of impermeable surfaces they introduce.
They account for an impermeable surface which is up to three times that of the building footprint.