And wherever you find a meeting of scrubbed immaculate surfaces with physical abandonment and disgust, you are likely to find the presence of Bacon.
It has become synonymous with immaculate surfaces, sardonic aloofness and verbal-visual subtleties for which the word "pun" is completely inadequate.
The bloodstains which once darkened its immaculate surface were now only a memory.
Behind each microscope was a high-intensity light, projected and shaded on a goosenecked stem coming out of the immaculate white surface.
Smith paused, studying Jay's scarred face, then the empty, immaculate surface of his own desk.
The yard they crossed was an immaculate concrete surface.
Expensive olive oils and other treats from Williams-Sonoma were carefully arranged on the immaculate surfaces.
He stopped again, sliding on the immaculate surface of the snow with his arms flung out.
She tossed aside the magazine and began to wipe the immaculate surface of the bar with a dishrag.
The blood didn't coat it, just stained it, almost beading on the immaculate surface.