Our stress is on identifying systemic failures," as opposed to blaming individuals.
The new management system cited by the inspector general, he said, "should help us identify and minimize failures and better ensure success."
And they are identifying specific failures as well.
To identify such ethical failures with an F on official transcripts is to give this grade an unwarranted bad name.
Due to the rising innovation speed, the industry cannot afford to identify possible failures at a relatively late stage.
The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process.
In recent months he has been quick to identify failures of the city school system.
Barley (2004) identifies numerous failures by the German high command.
The sole exceptions are the recommendations we use to identify certain failures and, of course, the Stability Pact.
It clearly identifies the successes and failures of our policies.