Bright university students learned more about ideas related to Thailand's economic and political systems, resulting in a revival of student activism.
It acts as a testbed for ideas related to client side technologies.
This study has gathered supporting ideas related to the similar research projects.
Over a period of decades, Kevorkian developed several controversial ideas related to death.
Companies must adapt to this rapidly changing environment by being prepared to change and implement new creative ideas related to sustainability.
Vázquez art has been focused in exploring ideas related with the construction of knowledge, history, Memory, identity and migration.
It is likely that his ideas related to the connection between human evolution, human potential, and spiritual growth developed further here.
This chapter calls for people to share ideas related to freedom, which can eventually lead to widespread non-cooperation with government.
Many of the ideas related to market share are also changing very rapidly.
Many of these works have been inspired by ideas related to his Jewish background and experience.