At every switchback he came within a hair of sliding into heavy snow and becoming hopelessly stuck.
The dish antenna was supposed to open like an inverted umbrella, but it was hopelessly stuck.
In desperation, Tyson torches the car (which is hopelessly stuck in a ravine) as a signal fire.
All of the characters are hopelessly stuck in the half-dream world of kan-ya-ma-kan, of "there was and there was not."
A man appeared to get hopelessly stuck on a cotton-covered platform that resembled a cloud bank.
Otter came back to where his friend seemed hopelessly stuck in the close shaft.
In other words, I'm not hopelessly stuck in the past, whimpering for 1955, or even for 1947 (a golden moment for many of a certain generation).
The truck stopped and settled, and we were hopelessly stuck.
Almost immediately upon beginning, the piano's A-flat key became hopelessly stuck.
Struggling to find rebels to interview, his frustrations reach a climax when his Land Rover gets hopelessly stuck on a sand dune.