The Hook refers to the hooked stick that is used to catch cod.
The men hurled a kind of hooked stick with a spear caught in the far end.
Sandry climbed toward a faded row of hooked sticks several paces high.
Darkwind knew he wasn't going to takehim by surprise with a yell and a hooked stick.
The seller uses some kind of special hooked stick to take the cake off from the steel plate.
There are four men wearing animal and bird masks (fig. 14.13), two are each holding a hooked stick, the lagobolon, used for hunting hares.
I then stept over the building very conveniently from one stool to the other, and drew up the first after me with a hooked stick.
Click, on one channel, field-hockey players are bending over their hooked sticks.
He began belabouring the elephant with a hooked stick, but on the stair those stiff pillar-like legs wouldn't let it turn fast enough.
Polkagris (another candy often presented as a hooked stick)