However, the threading model used in SystemC and its reliance on shared memory mean that it does not handle parallel execution or lower level models well.
Some self-service software is able to handle automatic execution of processes.
The DCI's Counterterrorist Center would become a CIA unit, to handle the direction and execution of tasks assigned to the CIA.
Permissions and access control have been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of queries in a more efficient way.
A PHP extension called the ionCube Loader handles the reading and execution of encoded files at run time.
There were 5 processes: in total, they handled the compilation, execution, and printing of users' programs.
The branch history table was also larger and could dispatch more instructions so that the processor can handle out-of-order execution more efficiently than the 604.
Direct Action - Handles organization and execution of direct actions.
He handled the negotiation and execution of contracts, as well as song and copyright licensing and registration.
As the worldwide agency, Thompson will handle advertising strategy and execution; the work will be led from the Thompson London office.