Jarvis's former employer, the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, still advocates corporal punishment, albeit using a switch or a paddle rather than a rubber hose.
James Dobson of the evangelical group Focus on the Family has warned that without that ban, marriage as we have known it for 5,000 years will be overturned.
Glenn Stanton, director of social research at the evangelical group Focus on the Family, said Wal-Mart's policies had hit the entertainment companies "like a brick in the head."
Only James C. Dobson, head of the evangelical group Focus on the Family, seems to echo the apocalyptic tone.
James Dobson, a psychologist who is president of the anti-abortion group Focus on the Family, joined Ms. Buchanan in urging the preservation of the present platform language.
In 2003, James Dobson, the founder and director of the influential evangelical group Focus on the Family, called Kennedy "the most dangerous man in America."
The society was supported by more than 125 Colorado Springs churches, businesses, individuals and influential organizations like the evangelical group Focus on the Family.
The evangelical group Focus on the Family shares his concerns.
In July 2011, Toms founder Blake Mycoskie participated in an event sponsored by the group Focus on the Family.