His brow and cheeks were moist but not from the clammy air; he glistened with greasy sweat.
His hair was shoulder-length, tangled, and shining with an accumulation of greasy sweat and engine oil.
If he could only try a little harder... He reached out again, whimpering as he did it, his whole body shaking and drenched in a greasy sweat.
Pleasantly warm, not searing, the day nevertheless left a greasy sweat on Ignatius Barnes.
Ytram's face glowed with greasy sweat as he licked his ash-gray lips, his eyes glistening with wonder and awe.
His hair w matted with greasy sweat.
His hide stank and my face, where I had it pressed against his chest, was wet with his greasy sweat.
Salter sipped from his glass, shrugged, and wiped a film of greasy sweat from his brow.
He had broken out in a greasy sweat.
He gripped a handful of hair, slick and hot with greasy sweat, and jerked back the man's head.