They claimed to hold grants dated back until 378 AD.
The house is first mentioned (as Broke House) in the reign of Elizabeth I in a grant dated 1589, but this was an earlier building, though some parts of it are incorporated in the present house.
The oldest surviving mention of the name is in a grant dated 1659 where it is spelled 'Tonymore'.
In a grant dated October 25, 1836, land located north by DesBarres Street, south by Amelia Street, east by George Street, and west by Charlotte Street was designated for the new Sydney Academy.
In recognition of his services as a writer, Scot received from the proprietors of East New Jersey a grant, dated 28 July 1685, of five hundred acres of land in the province.
A "Modach filius Malmykel" is mentioned in a grant, dated 1093, as the bishop of S. Andrews.
The oldest surviving mention of the name is in a grant dated 14 October 1612 where it is spelled 'Gortmonylan'.
The earliest surviving mention of the townland is in a grant dated 10 August 1607 from King James I to Sir Garrett Moore of Mellifont where it is spelled Aghcrossekille.
There is a grant of land, dated 1239, whereby Thomas de Thornton gave grazing land at Denholme to the monks of Byland Abbey.
The townland is later mentioned in a grant dated 14 October 1612 where it is spelled 'Gortmeddan'.