The damp, grainy surface beneath me went soft as a mattress and I fell into sudden, deep sleep.
He had to exert tremendous effort just to feel the grainy surface of the testament cover between his fingers.
Reluctantly he replaced it on the bench's grainy surface.
The slight warmth of the internal battery and the grainy surface make it quite a cozy little reading machine.
Much of the mottled, grainy surface has an antique character, making his dominant forms look like interventions in some earlier world.
Dust fell from the grainy surface and floated to the ground.
Behind the foliage, beyond the fence, he saw a thick body with a pebbled, grainy surface like the bark of a tree.
The sun was up, reflecting from Europa's grainy surface with a bright but oddly cold light.
She could see her outgoing footprints in the grainy surface, but they were only a couple of centimeters deep.
In fact the color of it and the grainy surface made me think of Giants' skin.