The gradual spread of broadband technology has also helped online education.
Another factor has been the gradual spread of private companies and foreign joint ventures, which provide their workers with far fewer benefits like housing.
Another proposition is the gradual spread of test-taking skills.
The other great development was a noticeable and gradual spread in the breeding of cattle, particularly the red Sussex cow, augmenting extensive sheep farming.
In Northern California, the gradual spread of Silicon Valley into less congested cities has compounded the situation.
This cultural and mercantile exchange saw the gradual spread of Roman influence throughout the region, most clearly seen in the area around the Orăştie Mountains.
Indeed, a gradual spread is better than no spread at all!
The gradual spread of Buddhism into adjacent areas meant that it came into contact with new ethnical groups.
Huggarde exemplifies the gradual spread of literacy and printing, and the rising importance of the laity in religious affairs.
Motor functions did deteriorate steadily with time, and that deterioration appeared to result from the gradual spread of Parkinson's disease to the grafted cells.