It was a good gimmick, and doubtless worth its weight in gold.
It was a good gimmick, and he probably had fun.
It was a "good gimmick" once and still served.
"It's a pretty good gimmick you got going for yourself here," Con said.
But in the absence of clear solutions, a few good gimmicks can't hurt.
"But this is a good little gimmick, something you can give to your clients."
The reversal of the tower defense idea is a good gimmick, but the execution is what makes this such a high-quality game.
The boss don't like wasting a good gimmick, he'll want to use the rug again someday, and then where would we be?
It's a good gimmick, and just one of many signs that Microsoft is innovating.
A good gimmick - you boys are quite the mechanics.