The glaucous leaves are strongly incurved to form a compact, spherical rosette.
It can be distinguished from its closest congeners by the glaucous leaves with red teeth and its spreading, mat-forming (rather than compact) habit.
It has blue-green glaucous leaves, and small, delicate white flowers.
They have rigid glaucous distichous leaves, and peculiar richly colored flowers.
Plants tend to be spiny or have glaucous, silvery or glossy leaves.
The tree makes and attractive ornamental with its large, glaucous juvenile leaves, which often persist in the crown.
It is a bulbous perennial with glaucous leaves, 30-60 cm long, 1 - cm wide.
It has very narrow green or glaucous leaves forming a loosely tufted plant.
It has glaucous blue-green leaves with crenulate margins.
It has large fleshy glaucous collard-like leaves and abundant white flowers.