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But no one could say what had become of Glaucous.
I would not want to see Glaucous control you in the same way.
Glaucous did not seem to find this idea all that amusing.
The leaves are only 3 to 4 mm wide and glaucous.
The grassy area on which Glaucous and the general stood was soon empty.
There was a film across Pavlov's eyes, the blue already glaucous.
So if it turns out to be a Glaucous, he has imported something without permission.
The leaves are a mid to dark green, (not glaucous).
It has a short spadix and the leaves are glaucous.
"We need not have left," Glaucous observed, looking back upon the refreshment table.
Glaucous claimed the magic of the tree kept the shield in place.
Leaves may be green or glaucous with a waxy covering.
The glaucous inner surface also ranges from red to purple.
Glaucous asked with a slight lift of a delicate eyebrow.
If it hadn't been for Glaucous, I might have never known.
"Because I wanted it to do so," Glaucous reminded the general.
Glaucous started to reply, closed his mouth on his words.
The first recorded use of glaucous as a color name in English was in the year 1671.
It is a glaucous perennial plant growing up to 70 cm tall.
The peduncle, itself, is glaucous and covered in a fine bloom.
There is one thing I want to know, Glaucous.
You would find him far wiser than Glaucous, if less pleasing."
They are faded and dull grey-green more or less glaucous.
Seeds average 100-125 per cone, not at all glaucous.
Can anyone love the glaucous eyes of weakness?