He was giving certain details to Burbank, the contact man who communicated with The Shadow's active agents.
Last week, US Airways agreed to give travel agents who use the Sabre systems all the fares it makes available on Orbitz.
Greyhound's new computer system now gives ticket agents in Boston access to fare and schedule information so that the best fares can be quoted.
But salaries given free agents the last six weeks have made the leap even more dramatic.
An American executive said that it hoped the move would give travel agents more incentive to pressure G.D.S. companies to lower fees.
Justice Souter, our position is this, that section 3501 enumerated factors giving very clear incentives to law enforcement agents to deliver warnings.
An initial investigation was conducted by the Academy soon after the test was given and used agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
I gave Weezer advice on what it would be like when they were successful and had to deal with record companies, agents, managers.
Another of the rules was the right to sign free agents; another was the right to give those free agents whatever it took to lure them to Miami.
"But the whole development of the industry, and the syndrome of the big book, has given agents today a greater importance than ever before."