Different stages of the Jurassic geologic period and system are on display.
The newly found fossils are thought to be from the Early Cretaceous geologic period, about 138 million years ago.
An ice age is a geologic period of major glaciation.
The bone measured almost six feet in length, about 14 percent longer than the next largest dinosaur of that geologic period, the Cretaceous.
A geologic era is made up of two or more shorter times called geologic periods.
In terms of Czech geology, this geologic period is called kulm.
They were all from later in the Cretaceous geologic period, from 145 million years ago to 65 million.
Likewise, the geologic period of the Permian takes its name from the toponym.
About 68% of the state has coal-bearing strata of this geologic period.
This time frame is separated into three geologic periods.