The Republic of Somaliland is committed to peaceful co-existence with its African neighbours, and having laid to rest the irredentist Greater Somalia tendencies, believes that genuine co-operation and closer relations between the states in the Horn and also within the wider region and throughout Africa is actually better served by the recognition of the Republic.
The result is a highly tactical team-based game that gets much closer to Battlefield 2 in terms of genuine co-operation than most console shooters ever have.
It was claimed that the unsolicited letter from Watts revealed the extent to which the partnership principle had failed to secure active, purposeful and genuine co-operation between the Cambridge Board and the WEA.
The main issue in need of reform is genuine cross-border co-operation, which needs to be strengthened.
We therefore expect genuine co-operation, and right from the start.
What we really need is the will to use all the practical means necessary to ensure genuine co-operation on legal and police matters.
But genuine co-operation between colonies seems always to boil down to pure parasitism.