It had spun off into utopian sects, fed into radical movements like feminism as well as into their fundamentalist opposition.
At least 11 people were reported killed in a significant escalation of a monthlong confrontation between the new military-backed Government and the Muslim fundamentalist opposition.
It lasted until 1928, when the Baptists severed the relationship as a result of fundamentalist opposition to Carleton's liberalism, including the college's support for teaching about evolution.
But fundamentalist opposition to the idea of a loya jirga has prevented the alliance from endorsing it.
Until Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, Saudi rulers prohibited the long-term basing of American troops, fearing fundamentalist opposition.
The intensity of the fundamentalist Christian conservative opposition to abortion may be understandable, relating as it does to the central religious idea of the sanctity of life.
Within the Muslim world, the cartoon imbroglio has given ammunition to the two entrenched forces for censorship - namely, authoritarian regimes and their Islamic fundamentalist opposition.
In Jordan, the restive Islamic fundamentalist opposition took charge and provided the fiery preachers to inflame the protesters.
But many speakers seemed to fear that American Islam is still locked in a mode of fundamentalist opposition.
The term started to become associated with Christian fundamentalist opposition to human evolution and belief in a young Earth in 1929.